Destiny’s Hope Cat Rescue is a 501c3
Non Profit organization
Destiny’s Hope Cat rescue was primarily founded by Sabrina Antonelli, who has been rescuing and taking in unwanted cats on her own for years. Destiny’s Hope was named after her daughter, Destiny, who has been born with a love for animals and has been involved in rescuing since she was a small child.
Sabrina, and Christina Pulschen met at an animal hospital where they worked and have been working together since then. Christina moved to Pennsylvania and continues to rescue animals. When she comes to New York she always helps out! Catherine Jackson, Sasha Rodriguez, Sabrina , Tami , Donna and Maggie help by caring for the cats in their own homes which have been set up as an introductory place for new cats and kittens coming in. We hope to soon have a facility where we can have more room and isolation wards for cats with contagious illnesses. Catherine jackson joined soon after and started fostering cats and kittens. Sabrina, and Destiny provide these cats with medical care and monthly treatments and try not to turn away any cat or kitten due to a medical condition. Our most recent members joined shortly after Krystle Parisi, Sacha Rodriguez, Sydney Ballard, Missy Mccracken, Melissa Murphy, Cindy Hand and Anne. Destiny’s Hope has made a bunch of people come together to save lives.
See some of our cat’s stories for more information on how we helped them and care for them on a daily basis. Destiny’s Hope also helps people in the community who are struggling to take care of their own pets or who have found an animal but aren’t sure what to do. Meet our staff!
Want To Help?
We are always in need of people who would like to donate their time and talents in the areas of carpentry/handyman, legal advice, or people who would like to help with trap/neuter/release. Also, if you’d like to just make a donation, you can do so easily through PayPal using the link at the bottom of the page. Our PAYPAL is
Current Fundraisers
Are you a frequent (or not so frequent) Amazon shopper? If so, when you go to Amazon, type in and choose Destiny’s Hope Cat Rescue as your charity of choice. Use this site every time you shop at Amazon and a portion will go to the kitties. The great thing about it is that you still get all your Prime perks, etc. and it costs you nothing — you do your regular shopping and Destiny’s Hope gets a donation. How cool is it when you’re shopping there for a donation using the wish list ( and you are not only getting the cats the products that they need, but Amazon is donating cash as well! The key is that you have to go to Amazon using the or a donation isn’t made. (your faithful webinista changed my default — Amazon is a startup tab for me and now I don’t ever forget to use the correct url).